Nursing Clio

Since 2015, I have been writing and editing for the peer-reviewed feminist blog project Nursing Clio, which publishes scholarly essays for a broad audience on topics at the delicious intersection of the histories of gender, science, medicine, race, and justice.


A blog series on women and crime, summer 2019.

As series editor for “Killing Clio,” I helped to curate and edit a series of fantastic essays on the history of gender and crime.



Museum Educators Unite: Unionizing the Lower East Side Tenement Museum

April 25, 2019


Roadmap to the Brave New (Transmasculine) World: An Interview with Arlene Stein

November 13, 2018

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Deconstructing the Stonewall Myth (Brick by Brick)

June 26, 2018


A Woman Was At the Bottom of It All